
the first thing you learned was that you would be a monster. they showed you how twisted & depraved you all were. you're a threat to their women. going to ravage her defenseless body under the shallow excuse of not pissing your pants. you've seen the art they make, the shows, movies, routines. the joke is that you could ever really be seen. that you could think for one moment that life was worth it. no, you're worthy of pain & ruin. the point was to make you afraid. to make you supine. to make you dead. and it worked. you were decimated. so many kin hiding if even alive. those that made it, really made it, want to prove that they are toothless, to hide in plain sight. not all of you, just enough that they can sell the story. that you want declawing & filed teeth. your pain in every step & every bite reminding you of what they want you to be. because you're not made for that. they're right, you're scary. your claws & teeth & horns will gore. you can see the headlines, they're fucking trembling in their combat boots. the mere sound of your beating heart echoes, resonates loud & far, a shockwave shattering glass. you're worthy of their terror and to think otherwise is deluded. show it, never hide. it's high fucking praise to be thought of this much. wear it as a badge of honor. tell me you don't think that's is hot. lie to my fucking face abt it. you fucking know i'm right. and you do take what you want from women, leave them more ravaged and wasted than any man ever has. you could strip her clothes, her jewels, her things. but that's trivial. you don't need her for that. no, you take something more sinister. her blood. her vocal chords. her sex. within the deepest core of your being is a lust that will never be satiated, and that is relieved only by consuming humans, and only for a short while. what else could you be if not a succubus. the world quakes with every infernal step you take. as it was meant to be.